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Creed Capital

Our Values

An important characteristic of our Corporate Culture is to foster a critical and participant view towards the sustainable development of our community and our environment. We consider the provision of active support for humanitarian and educational projects as an essential element of our Corporate Social Responsibility. 

In order to put this directly into practice, we are supporting a number of initiatives either by funding or providing expert knowledge, depending on what is required and where we can be of help.

Among other organisations, we have been supporting St Vincent de Paul in its efforts to provide help to all people in need across Lebanon in the social, medical, educational, recreational and spiritual fields.

The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) is an international voluntary organization dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance in need. The SVP is non-discriminatory; helping those in need regardless of their faith, race, status or sexual orientation. It is non-judgmental and does not make value judgments about those asking for assistance.

For more info on St Vincent de Paul in Lebanon please click on the following link:

Creed has been also supporting continuously and for more than six years the Association Amicale des Anciens Elèves du Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour (ANDJ) in its efforts to help promising students continue their education by providing yearly scholarships to those in need.

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The ANDJ organizes a yearly charity dinner that Creed is proud to be one of the main and
long serving sponsors.

For more information on ANDJ you can check out their website at:

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